Friday, December 30, 2011

Pund's and their dogs

Jen and Frank wanted photos of themselves with their three dogs once they found out that the oldest dog, Murphy, had cancer.  Also, they recently brought home a new puppy, Cooper, and what a butterball he is -- eight weeks old and over 20 pounds!  Then there is Cody.  Cody is not too fond of the puppy and during the photography session he reminded me of a sullen teenager -- sometimes sitting apart from the rest of the dogs and looking everywhere but the camera.  I had to laugh.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Eli is One Handsome Guy

What a cutie this little guy is!  At three months he had me gazing at his wonderful smile and twinkling eyes the moment I walked into his home. He is going to turn heads with those handsome looks of his.  See for yourself.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Studio meeting place

Things never move as fast as one wants sometimes.  The area I am creating as a studio meeting room is coming along, but ever so slowly.  I look forward to when it is all together and clients are able to enjoy this new space.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jennifer & Nick

There are so many beautiful locations for weddings within the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky area, and the Wiedemann Hill Mansion in Newport, Kentucky is a treasure.  The fine home of beer baron, Wiedemann, overlooks the Ohio River and the Cincinnati skyline.  It accomodates a small group but provides a grand view.

Jennifer and Nick took advantage of this jewel and shared their vows with a few close friends and family members.  One could not ask for a more beautiful bride or happy groom.  The two are fantastic together.