Monday, March 29, 2010

Costa Rica

I recently traveled to Costa Rica with my father. It was a great trip and traveling with my dad was so much fun. We saw many wonder sites and critters, as you can see below...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Featured on Wedding Channel!

A wedding I photographed last June is being featured on!  You can find my wedding photography images under "Wedding of the Day" or click on link below.

Jamie & Bethany   June 27, 2009

Jamie and Bethany created a warm and personal wedding with friends and family last June. In a peaceful park setting  east of Cincinnati, Ohio, they arranged chairs for guests while hanging flowers lined the grassy isle. An arbor they built together was decorated with flowers and provided a special place for them to say their vows. Wedding photos were taken in various locations around the park and as the sun set the warm glow of the light offered many memorable wedding images of the new couple.